Call or Click Before You Dig: The Ontario One Call Locate Process:
If you are excavating a new building, repairing existing infrastructure or breaking ground for any other type of construction project on the public right-of-way, you must adhere to the following steps.
- Contact Ontario One Call at least five business days before you plan to commence construction works or excavation to arrange for buried utilities within your project area to be located and marked. If you need to locate utilities on private property, contact a reputable locate service provider in your area.
- Mark your site. Where possible, white-line the boundaries of your project site prior to having locates performed. This involves pre-marking your dig or drill site with white paint, flags, stakes or a combination in order to accurately communicate the boundaries of excavation to both the Locate Service Provider and facility owners.
- Make sure you receive a complete locate package for all utilities within your project site from Ontario One Call before proceeding with construction works, and carefully review the documentation. When you place a regular locate request, you can expect a response within 5 businesses days, and emergency requests will be responded to within 1-2 hours.
- Once utilities are located and marked on your project site, carefully hand dig around the marks to the depth of the excavation. Never dig directly on top of the marks. Even minor inaccuracies or discrepancies in depth data could create a dangerous situation.
- Ask a few key questions of the Locate Service Provider that will be locating private utilities within your project site to ensure they are properly qualified. For example, what is the training program in place for Field Technicians? Does the company abide by a Health & Safety policy? What is the Quality Management process?
- Make sure that everyone on your project team is briefed on the ON1Call process. When placing your locate request, be sure to provide Ontario One Call with as much information as possible. For example, the contact information of the person that will be excavating, when and where this will occur, the maximum depth of excavation and the method of excavation. Always follow up on the status of your locate request prior to proceeding with the work.
- Arm yourself with knowledge to minimize risk. Many resources are available to help you excavate safely and ensure compliance. A good place to start is the Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance (ORCGA) website where you can find best practice documents available for free download.