multiVIEW Raises 500 lbs. of Food for Local Communities
We are thrilled to announce the resounding success of multiVIEW’s Annual Food Drive for the 2023 holiday season!
With the generous contributions and unwavering support from staff, multiVIEW has been able to spread holiday cheers to local community members during these challenging economic times.
Thanks to the collective efforts of our compassionate team, we managed to collect over 500 lbs. of non-perishable food items and essential supplies. Our annual food drive has truly been a testament to the spirit of sharing is caring.
Through our partnership with the Food Banks of Mississauga, we have successfully distributed these donations to those facing food insecurity within Mississauga and surrounding communities. multiVIEW’s commitment to social responsibility is stronger than ever, and we are immensely proud of the positive impact we have made.
This achievement would not have been possible without the immense dedication and selflessness displayed by the staff. By coming together as a team, we have exemplified the values that lie at the very heart of multiVIEW.
We express our sincere appreciation to everyone who participated in this year’s food drive, your invaluable support has truly made a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals and families, especially during this holiday season. Let’s celebrate this remarkable achievement together and continue to be a force for positive change in the world.
Moving forward, multiVIEW will continue to seek opportunities to give back to the community and uphold our commitment to corporate social responsibility. We are excited about what the future holds and look forward to organizing more initiatives that benefit our local community.